Code of Conduct for Competitors, Parents and Spectators

The following code of conduct highlights the level of expected behavior of gymnasts, parents and spectators when representing Tigers Gymnastics Centre (the Club) at any organised events at any level or location. The primary purpose of this code is to protect the gymnasts and the Sport and maintain the excellent reputation of the Club. This Code applies to all events attended after 01 May 2023.

In all aspects the highest level of behavior by gymnasts, parents and spectators is expected by the Club at all times.
Behavior that falls below this standard will result in either a verbal/written warning, disciplinary action or in extreme case dismissal.

Expectations are listed in sections 1.0 and 3.0 below. Consequences for not honoring this code of conduct are listed in sections 2.0 and 4.0. Please ensure that you have read and understand this code prior to participating in/attending any events after 01 May 2023.

Please be aware that ignorance of the contents of this Code will not be accepted as an excuse for any breach. Any complaints or problems will be dealt with fairly and as quickly as possible by either the coaches (who have authority to act immediately) or by the club Director as quickly as possible after the event. The final decision on any matter rests with the Club Director.

  • 1.1 Take responsibility for your own behaviour and performance.

    1.2 Compete by the competition conditions and rules.

    1.3 Never argue with the Judge’s, Referee’s or Umpire’s decision – if you feel there is cause to complain speak to your coach at the appropriate time.

    1.4 Control your temper – no criticism by word or gesture.

    1.5 Be a good sport.

    1.6 Encourage and support your own team members.

    1.7 Show respect for yourself, your team mates, officials, your opponents and their skills.

    1.8 Behave in a manner that respects the rights of others.

    1.9 Smoking, drinking of alcoholic beverages, use of any illegal substances and substance abuse is strictly forbidden.

    1.10 Check all medicines with your coach before competing – as early as possible.

    1.11 Go to bed at a time requested by your coach. Do not disturb others that may have been instructed to go to bed earlier than yourself.

    1.12 Wear the Club uniform/tracksuit when requested by your coach.

    1.13 Check-in and check-out with team management/officials each day and prior to each event.

    1.14 Stay in the designated team area and support other team members during times when you are not competing.

    1.15 Act responsibly, sensibly and courteously at all times – you are representing the Sport, the Club, your family, and perhaps your school, Region or Country.

    1.16 Profanity, foul or offensive language will not be permitted at any time.

    1.17 If you are staying in hotel or house accommodation – check for any damage to premises on arrival and notify your team official.

    1.18 Keep your room tidy at all times and do not leave valuables unattended.

    1.19 Do not leave the accommodation area at any time without permission from the team manager or coach.

    1.20 Mixed sharing of rooms is not permitted.

  • 2.1 Team managers may deal immediately with any breaches of this code by imposing appropriate sanctions or restrictions, including not competing in remaining events, notifying parents, and/or being sent home at the parents’ cost.

    2.2 Competitors may be notified orally or in writing of a temporary ban from participating or representing the Club in future events.

    2.3 Competitors will be given a fair hearing in relation to any matter that requires action under this code.

    2.4 In severe cases the gymnast/s may be banned from the Club.

  • 3.1 Cooperate at all times with the Club and its coaches/officials.

    3.2 Do not interfere with the conduct of any events or decisions of the coaches.

    3.3 Do not interfere with the officials or obstruct the process of running the event.

    3.4 Provide a model of good sportsmanship and behaviour for your child and other gymnasts to follow.

    3.5 Support skilled performances and team play with generous applause.

    3.6 Demonstrate respect for opposing players and their supporters.

    3.7 Always congratulate your child on their performance – the coach will deal with the mistakes if there were any!

    3.8 Behave at all times in a responsible, sensible and courteous manner to everyone.

    3.9 Encourage honest effort, skilled performance and team loyalty.

    3.10 Do not comment adversely or argue with any officials or parents of other competitors.

    3.11 Do not behave in any way whatsoever that reflects badly upon the Sport or the Club.

    3.12 Do not drink excessively or behave in an unsocial manner at any time either at the event or at the Hotel.

    3.13 Profanity, foul or offensive language will not be permitted at any time at any place.

  • 4.1 Team managers and event organisers may deal immediately with any breaches of this code by warning offenders about their conduct, asking offenders to leave venues, and calling police to intervene where necessary.

    4.2 Parents and spectators may be notified orally or in writing of a temporary ban from attending any future Club events.

    4.3 In certain or repetitive cases the parents and gymnasts may be banned from the Club.

Code of Conduct Coaches /Judges / Officials and Volunteers

The essence of good ethical conduct and practice is summarised below. All coaches, judges, officials and volunteers must:

  1. Consider the well being and safety of participants before the development of performance.

  2. Develop an appropriate working relationship with performers based on mutual trust and respect.

  3. Hold the appropriate, valid qualifications, insurance cover & DBS check.

  4. Make sure all activities are appropriate to the age, ability and experience of those taking part and ensure all participants are suitably prepared physically and mentally when learning new skills.

  5. Display consistently high standards of behaviour and appearance, dressing suitably (club T Shirt, tracksuit bottoms, leggings or shorts, no jewellery and hair ties back).

  6. Never consume alcohol immediately before or during training or events.

  7. Obtain prior agreement from the parent or guardian of performers before transporting them anywhere, (training/competitions).

  8. Never have performers stay overnight at your home.

  9. Never exert undue influence over performers to obtain personal benefit or reward.

  10. Always report incidents, referrals or disclosures immediately, following the appropriate guidelines set out in the BG Child protection procedures.

  11. Never condone rule violations or use of prohibited substances.

  12. Make sure that confidential information is not divulges unless with the express approval of the individual concerned.

  13. Promote the positive aspects of the sport, (e.g., fair play).

  14. Encourage performers to value their performance and not just results.