Our squad gymnasts train all year round other than the below confirmed holiday days.

Christmas 24

All Squads (ie AcroFun, Junior Acro, Intermediate, NDP, Elite Pathway & GBR Acro)

No squads in from Monday 23rd December 2024 till Wednesday 1st Jan 2025

All squads will be back in the gym and training as normal from Thursday 2nd January 2025.

Summer 25

AcroFun, Junior Acro & Intermediate

Wednesday 23rd July to Monday 11th August 2025 (i.e. no classes on these dates).

NDP, Elite Pathway & GBR Acro

Wednesday 23rd July to Thursday 7th August 2025 (i.e. no classes on these dates).

Back to training at Bristol Training Camp Friday 8th to Monday 11th August 2025 (training camp dates still tbc).

All squads will be back in the gym and training as normal from Tuesday 12th August 2025.