Protection Children & Vulnerable Young Adults (01/05/2023)

The club welfare and protection officers are Jo Curtis-Lawrence (07902697660) & Iain Balcombe (07498324435)


  • If your concern is regarding a specific incident please make a note of the date and time it occurred and report it as soon as possible. Please also make a note of the key facts relating to the incident.

    If you are not sure about whether to report a welfare issue concerning a Gymnast we advise that you DO report it. It is important the club is aware of your concerns even if you are unsure about them. The club employees are bound by their codes of conduct to treat all reports with the utmost discretion and confidentiality.

  • You can raise your concerns in person by dropping into Tigers Gymnastics Centre or arrange a meeting.

    You can phone if you are not comfortable discussing the issue in person.

    You can write a letter highlighting your Welfare issue concerning a Gymnast and place into the post box on the Welafer board at the Gymnastics Centre.

    You can send a letter anonymously highlighting your Welfare issue concerning a Gymnast. However, please be aware that it is much more difficult to

    address the problem if we cannot contact the person who has noticed it.

    Please remember that these guidelines are for the children as well as parents. It doesn’t matter who makes the report, or how old they are, everyone’s Gymnast welfare issues are equally important and will be treated seriously.

    Please note the role of the welfare officer is to protect the gymnast within the gym not for parent issues.

    All other issues you are reminded to follow the clubs Complaints / Grievance procedure which is displayed in the clubs reception area and can be found on the clubs website

    Please be aware that ignorance or not having access to the web site will not be accepted as an excuse.

When you are taking part in gymnastics, we want you to have fun, learn great skills and be the best gymnast you can be. At the same time, we need to make sure you feel safe. Here’s some tips to help you understand how to be safe and who can help you.

Social networking guidelines.

All clubs and gymnastics activity providers have a responsibility for the safety and welfare of gymnasts, coaches, volunteers, officials, visitors and others. This responsibility applies to all British Gymnastics (BG) registered clubs, regardless of their size or structure. There is a legal responsibility to ensure that participants are protected from harm whilst taking part in gymnastics. This is legally termed as the ‘duty of care’ and is particularly significant when dealing with children.

British Gymnastics regards the health, safety and welfare of all members to be of paramount importance, which should not be compromised. To this end, it is British Gymnastics policy to ensure so far as is reasonably practicable, that procedures are in place to maintain a safe and healthy environment not only for our members but also for other persons who may be affected by the activities of British Gymnastics and/or our affiliated clubs and organisations.