The diagram below shows the Club’s procedure for dealing with complaints. The complaint will go through each stage of the procedure stopping when a resolution is reached. General complaints follow the procedure shown on the right. Welfare Complaints follow the procedure on the left. Welfare complaints in which a child is considered to be in immediate danger will be referred directly to the police.

As a club affiliated to British Gymnastics, the club is bound by the BG Procedures for complaints, disciplinary issues and Membership suspensions and expulsions.

The club places the welfare and safety of its members as the highest priority.

Tigers Gymnastics Centre has a designated Health, Welfare and Safety Officer to whom all complaints, grievances and suspicions of poor practice should be addressed.

Matters will be dealt with confidentially and only those who need to know will be informed.

The British Gymnastics procedures for dealing with complaints will be followed and if an issue cannot be suitably addressed at club level, the British Gymnastics procedures will be implemented.

A copy of the British Gymnastics Complaints Procedure and the Policy for Safe guarding and Protecting Children and Vulnerable Adults is available from the Club Secretary or copies can be obtained from British Gymnastics.

Chris Rogers, Head Coach, Tigers Gymnastics Centre


Tigers Gymnastics Centre is committed to providing a safe, stimulating, consistent and accessible service to children and their parents/carers. We always aim to provide high quality services for everyone, but accept that sometimes things do not always go to plan. In such circumstances, we want to know so that we can put them right and learn from our mistakes.

Usually it should be possible to resolve any problems as soon as they occur. If not then the parent/carer should follow the formal complaints procedure set out below. Under normal circumstances the Club Coach in charge of the session will be responsible for managing complaints.


  • If a parent/carer has a complaint about some aspect of the club’s activity, or about the conduct of an individual member of staff, it will often be possible to resolve the problem by simply speaking to the individual concerned and/or the Club Coach in charge of the session. The club is committed to open and regular dialogue with parents/carers and welcomes all comments on its services regardless of whether they are positive or negative. In the first instance, you should request a Complaints/Feedback Form from the Reception Area, and on completion post it in the box outside of the Administration Office. We will then confirm receipt of this Form, and advise you of the next step that will be taken to resolve your concern. Please do not speak to the Coach directly, as Coaches are often unable the give the time to you at that time.

  • If a satisfactory resolution cannot be found then stage two of the procedure will come into operation.


  • If informal discussions of a complaint or a problem have not produced a satisfactory resolution to the situation, parents/carers should put their complaint, in writing, to the Head Coach. Relevant names, dates, evidence and any other important information on the nature of the complaint should be included.

  • The Head Coach will acknowledge receipt of the complaint as soon as possible and fully investigate the matter within 15 working days. If there is any delay the Head Coach will advise the parent/carers of the reasons. The Head Coach will keep you up to date with what is happening and will give a full reply.

  • If you are not satisfied with the outcome you can ask the Head Coach to refer the matter to the Club Management Committee (CMC).


  • The Head Coach will refer the complaint and response to the CMC. The CMC will investigate the complaint together with the response at a specially convened meeting.

  • The CMC will acknowledge receipt of the complaint as soon as possible and fully investigate the matter within 15 working days. If there is any delay the CMC will advise the parent/carers of the reasons. The CMC will keep you up to date with what is happening and will give a full reply.

  • The response will be copied to the staff members concerned with recommendations for any actions to be taken and any amendments to club policies or procedures emerging from the investigation.

  • The Chair of the CMC will send a reply within four weeks outlining how the complaint was investigated and detailing the outcome.

  • If you are not satisfied with the outcome, you can raise the complaint to British Gymnastics


Head Coach: Chris Rogers Email:

Welfare Officers: JO CURTIS-LAWRENCE 07902697660 & IAIN BALCOMBE 07498324435 Email:

British Gymnastics Ethics & Welfare Department: 0845 129 7129 ext: 2346